The EnviroSimplex technology liquefies and mixes all raw materials in a special chamber where the bio-activation process occurs, allowing enzymes, probiotics, and prebiotics help to culture the ingredients. Then it deploys gentle agitation and gentle heat under high vacuum to extract moisture, preserve the active ingredients, shorten drying times, and protect sensitive phytonutrients. We ensure the processing temperature always stays below 48°C (118°F).
Phytonutrients (also referred to as phytochemicals) are natural compounds found in plant based whole foods that give plants their rich pigment, as well as their distinctive taste and smell. Research suggests that nutrients from whole, raw food may have a valuable holistic effect that allows key vitamins and minerals to work more effectively. EnviroSimplex intensifies each 100-g of living, whole food into a 300-milligram, enzymatically vibrant biomass.